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Technical Support >> Fungal Library >> Beauveria sp

Beauveria sp

Mitosporic fungus. Hyphomycetes.




Approx. 4-5 species.


Where Found

Soil, plant debris, dung.
Parasite of insects.


Mode of Dissemination

Dry spore.


Growth Indoors



Industrial Uses

None known.


Other Comments

Pathogen of silk worms and other insects.
Closely related to Tritirachium, Acrodontium, and Engyodontium.


Potential Health Effects


Type I allergies (hay fever, asthma).


Potential Opportunist or Pathogen

Rare isolations from corneal lesions, and lungs from an immunocompromised patient.


Potential Toxin Production

Not known.


Laboratory Notes

Growth/Culture Characterisics

Grows on all general fungal media, forming small, mounded, delicate colonies.


Spore Trap Recognition

Not distinctive. Small one-celled, colorless spores. May be counted as Penicillium/Aspergillus, or "other colorless." Due to their small delicate nature, they may be missed.


Tape Lift Recognition

Occasionally found on tape lifts. Optical resolution through tape is sometimes inadequate to identify the delicate structures of Beauveria