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Lasiodiplodia theobromae

Mitosporic fungus. Coelomycetes. Teleomorph (sexual phase): Botryosphaeria rhodina.

Lasiodiplodia (monotypic) comprises a very small proportion of the fungal biota. It is a common plant pathogen in tropical and subtropical regions. Reports of health effects include keratitis, onychomycosis, corneal ulcer, and phaeohyphomycosis (one report of each since 1975). No information is available regarding toxicity. Allergenicity has not been studied. May be identified on surfaces by tape lifts, tease mounts from bulk samples, and in air by culturable (Andersen) and spore trap samples. (Spores have distinctive morphology.) This genus is found world wide between 40°N and 40°S of the equator (includes roughly the south half of the United States). Natural habitat includes many different kinds of plants. Formerly called Botryodiplodia theobromae.