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Pathogenic organisms, like Salmonella and E. coli, can grow in low water activity foods, leading to foodborne illness outbreaks. Thermal processes inhibit microbial growth and ensure only safe ingredients and products reach the shelves. Thermal processes must be validated to make sure they fully prevent pathogen growth. This blog outlines what foods may need an LWAF thermal process, what a validation study looks like, and the results the experts at Eurofins provide.

Ethylene oxide is gaining attention in the food regulatory space. EtO was banned as a food fumigant in 1991 in the EU. While ethylene oxide is not banned for use in foods in the United States, it is important to understand the allowed tolerances in the US and EU, especially as regulations continue to evolve and online sales contribute to increasing overseas exports. This article outlines the uses and toxicity of EtO, US and EU regulations, and EtO analysis at Eurofins.

Human milk oligosaccharides are a key component of infant formula. Recent trends, including combining multiple HMOs in a single formula, have complicated analytical testing. Eurofins has an AOAC first action method for testing up to seven HMOs at a time. This blog outlines the benefits and trends of HMOs in infant formula, and Eurofins methods for testing.

Foreign materials and off-odor or off-flavors in a product may result in loss of consumer trust or a damaged brand reputation. In the worst cases, these issues can be dangerous. The first step in eliminating foreign material and off-odor or off-flavor risk is understanding the sources of contamination, including packaging and production issues and chemical and microbial contamination. This blog explains the benefits of foreign material, off-odor, and off-flavor analysis, the sources of contamination, and the tests available for testing.

We recently hosted a webinar titled "GC-MS Techniques for Troubleshooting Off-Flavor, Off-Odor, and Flavor Scalping in Foods and Beverages Webinar." This Q&A with Dr. Jamie Willems provides a deeper look in to common questions associated with GC-MS, contaminant detection, and out capabilities at Eurofins.